Bylaws of the
Central Michigan Lapidary And Mineral Society

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Section 1. Procedure for admission of new members.

(a) The applicant shall make application on forms provided by the Membership Committee.

(b) Any person of good character who shall have submitted an application in writing showing the endorsement of one member in good standing, said application being accompanied by dues as specified in Article II, Section 2, shall be declared elected a voting member upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds majority of the Board members present at a Board of Directors’ Meeting. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of color, religion, race or sex.

(c) Upon favorable action of the Board, and the receipt of the proper fees, the Membership Chairperson and/or the Roster Secretary shall forward to the new member his/her membership card and a letter of welcome.

(d) Members who have let their membership lapse by non-payment of dues for one year must re-apply for membership. A reinstated member shall keep his/her original membership number.

Section 2. Annual Payment of Dues 

Dues are due and payable to the Roster Secretary at the time of the Annual Meeting.

Section 3. Delinquent Members

Delinquent members shall be those members whose dues are not paid by the February Society meeting. Thereupon, voting privileges shall be revoked and publications discontinued. Full privileges shall be restored immediately upon payment of current dues.

Section 4. Annual Directory


The Roster Secretary shall make a list of current members and submit it to the Editor within two weeks after the February meeting.

Section 5. Memorials for deceased members


Deceased members may be memorialized by the Society in accordance with a) the wishes of the family of the deceased member, or b) the wishes of the member, filed in writing with the Recording Secretary. A choice may be made among the following memorials:

1. A donation of $50.00 to either the Midwest Federation Endowment Fund or American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Scholarship Foundation.

2. A $50.00 addition to the geology student scholarship awarded by CMLMS in the year following the death of the member.

3. A $50.00 addition to a scholarship awarded to a CMLMS member to learn a rockhound-related skill and demonstrate it for CMLMS members and the public


4. A $50.00 purchase of a book or a rock/mineral specimen for the CMLMS collections, and dedicated to the deceased member.

Whatever the choice, the name of the deceased member and the years of their membership shall be engraved on a suitable plate and added to a plaque displayed at selected CMLMS events.


ARTICLE II - Dues and Fees

Section 1. Annual Dues

The annual dues for Individual Memberships shall be Ten dollars.

The annual dues for Student Members under 18 shall be Two dollars.

The annual dues for Family Memberships shall be Fifteen Dollars.

A Family membership may include a husband and /or wife and all children under 18 years of age, or all members residing at one address.

Dues are payable to Central Michigan Lapidary and Mineral Society in care of the Roster Secretary.

Life Members are exempt from dues.

Section 2.

Full annual dues will be collected from all persons joining before September 1st. Thereafter, dues will be charged at the following rates:


September: Dues for following year, plus $1.00 for a Regular Member, and $0.50 for a Student member.

October and November: Dues for following year, plus a $0.50 fee.


ARTICLE III - Publication of Constitution and By-Laws

The Constitution and By-Laws shall be published as ordered by the Board of Directors


ARTICLE IV - Regular Meetings

Section 1.

Regular meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month except July and August, unless otherwise established by the Board of Directors, at such place as announced.

Section 2.

Order of Business.

The order of business at regular meetings shall include:

(a) Introduction of new members and distinguished guests;

(b) Announcements

(c) Reports of committees

(d) Other business and

(e) Program


ARTICLE V - Quorum to Conduct Society Business

A quorum shall consist of 30 voting members.


ARTICLE VI - Procedure

Roberts Rules of Order shall be consulted to resolve situations not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.


ARTICLE VII - Dispersal of Properties upon Dissolution of the Society

If permanent dissolution occurs:

(a) All monies belonging to the Society shall be given to the Department of Geological Sciences of Michigan State University as an endowed scholarship.

(b) Prior to dissolution, all tangible properties of the Society shall be sold at auction.